Sunday, March 03, 2013

Ah yes – the Jesus card is played …

… when it suits one’s particular political leanings, of course. Because a domesticated Jesus is the best ammunition to make THEM cower in fear. I understand why it’s done – one side wants to point out the glaring and unforgivable hypocrisy of the other side. And it doesn’t matter whether it comes from the right side or left side of the political spectrum … the syllogism goes like this:

  1. Group X, and by extension all individuals who profess to be members of that tribe, claim to be Christians
  2. Their brand of Christianity is not only flawed, but is an outright sham (because my tribe is the correct arbiter of what is and isn’t true)
  3. Therefore, Group X and its individual adherents are shams – worthy only of disrespect and ridicule

So, you see something like this (I do not know if this is an actual quote by Mr Colbert; I’ve not been able to find its sourcing):


And person after person clicks LIKE to show their solidarity of a pithy saying so well presented as to put THEM in their place.

I mentioned at the start that this is indicative of a domesticated Jesus – of a Jesus who is shaped in our own image of what is important and necessary. It’s whatever flavor of the season you wish Him to be and represent. He is, at various times in order to satisfy my narcissistic needs to be affirmed in my “okay-ness,” a wise teacher, a social worker, a liberal prophet standing up to The Man, a good example of what it means to “be good.” And the list goes on and on.

Here’s a thought … engage in a study of and a true relationship with Jesus. Learn from those who modeled Him in a way – we can find folks like that whom pretty much all can agree on … such as St Francis of Assisi, St John of the Cross, St Bernadette, etc. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop thinking that Jesus is some kind of Middle Eastern Buddha or an earlier version of Deepak Chopra or is a universalist or any other such nonsensical claptrap.

I won’t hold my breath, though. It is going to be Easter soon and I’m sure there will be lots to look forward to as folks on all sides will want to breathlessly show me all about their “real” Jesus and how he’s made in their own image and likeness.