Second performance of The World Goes ‘Round at Playhouse22, and I walk into my “office” for the evening.
It’s a band of six (keys, reed, trumpet, trombone, bass, and drums) and we’re perched on a 6’ tall platform onstage.
Second performance of The World Goes ‘Round at Playhouse22, and I walk into my “office” for the evening.
It’s a band of six (keys, reed, trumpet, trombone, bass, and drums) and we’re perched on a 6’ tall platform onstage.
At Playhouse22, we open the musical revue “The World Goes ‘Round”
I’ve been very blessed to be a part of this project and to have the opportunity to work with such a great cast and production team.
If you’re in the central NJ area – be sure to check it out during the next three weeks.
Today’s the day – after many weeks of rehearsal with the cast we are moving forward with bringing in the orchestra today. It’s the first time the cast and the orchestra will be together. And I can’t wait.
It’s called a sitzprobe – which I am told by Wikipedia is German in origin (the word that is) and has the Italian equivalent of prova all'italiana.
To my mind, a sitzprobe is the first rehearsal where the cast and orchestra are together … the goal being to coordinate both so as to be ready for performances.
The cast (indeed all of the production staff – the director and choreographer especially) and I, as music director, have been working … learning the songs, figuring out the dance music, getting the timing right, marking entrances, exits, and vamps … This for several weeks. The orchestra members have had their music for awhile; and I’ve been communicating with them via email or social media letting them know what the cuts and changes are along with particular notes about tempos, phrasing, etc.
Now we all come together to play through and sing the show. … no costumes, no props, no set changes, no lighting cues, no dialogue – just the music and songs. This is the time when the cast can be re-energized … after all, rehearsal after rehearsal can take its toll. Now we get a bit of an ‘umph’ as we hear everything come together. And I know that opening night isn’t too far away after the sitzprobe.
I have to admit one of the TV shows I really enjoy is TLC’s Who Do You Think You Are? (I’m so glad TLC picked it up after NBC cancelled it way-back-when!).
I’ve had an interest in family history and genealogy – having a father who was a master storyteller and who recounted all the family stories and legends probably sparked my curiosity and interest. Boy! He sure could tell ‘em! I can remember many nights hearing about family history and lore. So, ‘thanks, Dad’ for planting that seed.
And back a number of years I began some genealogy research. I was hooked! It’s a mystery story, a detective novel, and a very personal perspective on US history all rolled into one. And there’s something to be said for knowing from whom I came … what was the mettle that helped my ancestors move forward through their lives … what might be those familial characteristics (beyond hair and eye color) that we’ve inherited and embraced?
Yet this takes time – time I just don’t have in much supply.
So I have left my research on the shelves at home – gathering a bit of dust. But no more! I am determined to tackle my family’s history bit-by-bit … even if it’s just a hour per week – not much, I know, but better than nothing.
So, now I’m looking to update information and to double check sources and be a bit more thorough than I had been in the past.