Today's high will get up to 88 (Farenheit) ... with sun and some clouds. And this is very typical here in Pune. I knew that this was to be expected to some degree ... after all, I'm closer to the equator here than in my hometown (which by the way is looking at high of 47 today).
And they call this their "winter weather."
The thing about the heat here, though, is that you can get dehydrated very quickly ... especially in the afternoon sun. Because Pune is situated on a mountain plateau, there isn't much in the way of humidity.
So when you perspire (and I've been doing a lot of that! ... thanks for sharing ... I know ... ), it just jumps right off your body fairly quickly. So, your body does cool down; however, you lose so much water that you can dehydrate before you even know it.
I've gotten used to carrying a bottle of water around wherever I go ... otherwise there'd be lots of trouble for me.
This means, too, that you have to be very careful about alcohol consumption here ... beer/wine will speed up the dehydration process.
This past Saturday I almost slipped into some nasty heat-related problems. With all of the walking around in the sun ... by the time I finished lunch I was in the midst of a horrible headache ... I mean the kind that makes you want to crawl under the covers, close all of the curtains and just zone out in quiet darkness. Lesson learned ... need to watch my fluids and pace myself a bit better.
Read your agony. But what can we do its nature and we have played dirty with it so its taking its tole on us. Pune weather was not this bad what it is today, winters were cold between 30 and 40(Farenheit). All thanks to global warming.
Take care eat lots of water based fruits and drink fluids like juices and cold drinks only if possible.
Drink minimum 10/15 glassess of water every day(add a dash of lime drops in your water). Sprinkle your face with water every now and thn.
Hi sabiha,
Great tips in drinking that much water. I'll have to try the lime drops.
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