Monday, December 04, 2006

Delhi Peace Monument (Part 4)

Next stop was the peace monument in Delhi, which is actually a memorial shrine to the Janists - which are a small religious sect fashioned after Budhism. Entering the monument area - of course sans shoes ... and this time I had to remove my belt because it was leather - you walk through gardens that also contain marble plaques and such.

This bas relief is of a lionness suckling a calf and a cow suckling a lion cub. The symbolism reminded me a lot of Isaiah - where the lion shall lie down with the lamb ... a universal symbol of peace. And how appropos that that thought should come to mind given that this Sunday was the first Sunday in Advent.

The peace monument itself sits ontop of a hill. No photos are allowed of the monument because it is a holy shrine. The monument is a statue of a famous Janist prophet and teacher, sitting like Budha in the lotus position - to posture of peace.

But I was able to take a couple of photos from the hillside shrine looking out over the city of Delhi.

And here's the minaret I was just visiting, viewed from the peace monument hillside. You can really see how tall it is.


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